L/O to apply the theoretical framework to media texts.
Media Language All the different elements used to construct any media product.
- Camera work (Cinematography)
Wide shot: positions subjects far away from each other to show the scale; to show different emotions like isolation or being lost. Shows the relationship between a subject and their location.
Establishing shot: You see this at the beginning of the scene and it is to show the location.
Medium shot: A neutral shot that captures the subject similar to how we interact with people. Starts above the waist to show the certain place and their reactions to it.
Medium CloseUp: Mid chest to just above the head. Reduces distraction to prioritise the character. Captures reaction / emotion.
CloseUp: Often arranged at eye level. Shows characters thoughts and feelings. Focuses on the subject's face.
Extreme CloseUp: Frames an isolated specific area: eyes, lips, hand, nose etc.
Includes ALL sound heard in a film/TV show.
-Sound Effects
Diegetic sound: sounds you would hear if you were in the scene, in real life/ in the setting. For example: talking, tapping etc.
Non diegetic sound: sounds that are added on after/ you wouldn't hear if you were in the scene. For example: a narrator, music etc.
Diegetic sounds I can hear in the clip: footsteps, talking, gun shots, glass breaking, grunting, fist punching sounds/ fighting sounds, breathing, knife (metallic sounding), wood creaking/ breaking, shouting.
Non diegetic sound I can hear in the clip: the music.
Mise-en-scene is all of the arrangement of a scene including: composition, sets, props, actors, costumes, lighting, hair + makeup, body language + facial expression and actor positioning.
Stranger Things poster:
-Eleven's facial expression looks serious.
-The boys at the front look scared.
-Eleven is wearing a hospital gown
-Mysterious lettering in the background
-There is a weird figure in the back wearing an anti-contamination suit, he is glowing green and looks sort of radio-active which could connote that he is dangerous
-Bikes are not modern which connotes that it is set in a different time.
-There is a restricted area sign which shows that the series includes danger.
-His costume and others around him suggests that it is set in the past.
-He is at a carnival/fair because there are stands and a ferris wheel.
-He is carrying a full bag of something.
-The lighting is warm which connotes that it could be halloween/autumnal season.
-He is in the centre of the frame - could be the main character.
-There is smoke in the background - smoke machine or cigarettes?
-He looks serious which could mean he is generally a serious person.
-A meeting of men with top hats in the background - he is walking away from those men so maybe whatever is in the bag is from them.
Editing includes:
-Pace + speed of cuts
-Green screening
Different cut types:
-Standard / Straight cut: regular cut
-Jump cut: jumps around a scene with the intent of speeding up time
-Parallel editing/Cross cutting: builds suspense, two narratives play out at the same time, cuts between two things happening at the same time.
-Cutaway: serves purpose of informing the viewer of where the person is in the scene, cuts to the location, extra information about where they are.
-Montage: Piecing together clips, usually demonstrates change in characters
-Match cut: matches a characters actions into the next scene, takes audience to a different location and matches the movement from one scene to the new location.
Media Institutions
Media Audiences
Media Representation
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